This is a long-term substitute position, anticipated to last from April 15, 2025 through June 13, 2025. 



Forestdale School

The Forestdale School’s goal is to be a model of continuous growth. We want our students to show growth in the mandated state testing, MCAS, MCAS Alt, ACCESS. We will continue to be able to grow support  for our students, their families, socially, emotionally, and academically. We will continue to foster a caring, nurturing learning community where all students and their families feel safe, welcome and will participate in all school activities. Presently we are a PBIS school, we are part of a three year cohort with MTSS where our teachers are being trained in the foundations of Social and Emotional Learning. We have implemented Caring School Communities across all grade levels as our social, emotional curriculum.  Our teachers are trained in the principles of Universal Design for learning which embeds inclusive practices into lesson plans. Our teachers plan their lessons to be inclusive and for all learning styles. Students and families are asked to embrace the Forestdale School’s acronym PRIDE that our student and staff will model Positivity, Respect, Indepence, Determination and Excellence. The Forestdale School Community will embrace the student authored poem.


Forestdale School 



“We, the students of the Forestdale School, promise to have P.R.I.D.E. 

We will have a positive attitude and will take responsibility for our work and actions.

 We will respect our teachers, our school, ourselves and others, 

As a team and as individuals, we are determined to achieve excellence; socially, emotionally and academically.”


Job Description:


This position involves teaching in a substantially separate classroom, as well as creating opportunities for meaningful inclusion as appropriate. Candidate should have demonstrated experience teaching and supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorders as well as skills in collaboration and working with students with challenging behaviors. Candidate must have excellent communication and organizational skills.




Reports to: Special Education Program Manager, Building Principal


$135/Day - Retired Teacher w/ DESE Certification
$125/Day – DESE Teaching Certification
$100/Day – No Certification


If a substitute holds a Bachelors degree or a Teaching License, and they serve in the same assignment for a 30 consecutive work day probationary period, they are eligible to have their pay rate increased to a per diem rate of $210/day for the remainder of their current assignment; pay returns to the daily rate at the conclusion of their assignment; however, if they move to another long-term assignment within a month, they do not have to restart the probationary period again and may continue receiving the per diem rate. Requests to move to the per diem rate at the end of probationary period must be made to, and confirmation will be submitted to payroll.


To Apply:    Submit letter of interest highlighting qualifications for the position via TalentEd.


Equal Opportunity Employer

The Malden Public Schools is committed to cultivating an ethnically, racially, and linguistically diverse and inclusive environment where different backgrounds and perspectives are celebrated. We believe the differences within our environment will positively impact student outcomes and benefit our employees and community. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, genetic information or disability, as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.